Play zombies ate my neighbors
Play zombies ate my neighbors

play zombies ate my neighbors

I think Super Castlevania IV uses it well enough to actually aid gameplay as opposed to being pure spectacle, but hey, to each their own.Īnd yeah. many early SNES titles were made to take flashy advantage of mode 7.

play zombies ate my neighbors play zombies ate my neighbors

And that feeling of technology showcase is warranted. The game may have been rushed seeing as it was released so close to the SNES launch, but I don't think it shows, especially compared to, say, Gradius III with its crippling slowdown (still a great shooter). There's no limit as to how insane things can get in that vampiric retreat, and while the stranger situations like the rotating rooms and infinitely rising maze may be chaotic, it's an expected chaos. If by chaos you mean the occasionally bizarre level, well. In fact, those are two words I've never thought to associate with that Belmont excursion. Super Castlevania IV chaotic and unfocused? Not so sure I agree with that. SNES ZAMN is excellent, and the differences between it and its Genesis counterpart are no more than graphics and sound.

Play zombies ate my neighbors